After scouring the 'dollar stores' I decided that I'd have to make my own bathroom. So out came the polymer clay and using a 'champagne cage' to make the legs I first modeled the basin. The handles are very small faceted beads. Then came the toilet... that was tricky, but after two attempts I achieved something approximating what I had envisaged. The shower is constructed from the plastic from a box of cookies. The back walls were painted orange and the front was left clear. Still work to be done on it - I have to think of what to use as a shower head.

The bathroom will actually be viewed through a doorway -it really is just a little cubbyhole of a room... The wallpaper is gift wrap I got for 50 cents... I spent most of yesterday working on this... oh yeah - and the boring task of painting the ginger bread and railings on the house exterior. Second coats - not even as interesting as laying down the first coat

on bare wood where you can see your progress. I still have to put the second coat on the roof... I'd rather watch paint dry. (Sorry, that was rather bad...)
At any rate - I got the scale right... the loo looks just about the right size for Gramps.